Hospitality & tourism outsourcing to the Philippines

Hospitality and tourism organizations often deal with fluctuating demand due to seasonal trends requiring effective resource management and marketing strategies.

Meeting ever-evolving customer expectations for personalized experiences and quick service delivery can be demanding in a competitive industry.

Recruiting and retaining skilled staff, especially during peak seasons, can be a persistent struggle, impacting service quality.

Navigating complex and changing regulations related to tourism, safety and health can pose legal and operational challenges for businesses.

Philippine Map
The Philippines can offer support.

Why MicroSourcing?

No hidden costs. No unforeseen risks.
When you partner with the strongest provider, you get the best outcome.
active clients across various industries
800+ active clients across various industries
offshore employees
9,000+ offshore employees
 strategically located offices
13 strategically located offices

Why is the hospitality and tourism industry well suited to outsourcing?

Offshoring back-office functions like reservations, data entry and customer support can lead to cost savings, allowing businesses to allocate resources more efficiently.
Offshore contact centres can provide 24/7 customer support, accommodating different time zones and ensuring quick responses to inquiries.
Offshore teams can offer multilingual support and cultural insights, enhancing the guest experience for international travelers.
Offshore analysts can conduct market research, helping organizations stay informed about industry trends and customer preferences, enabling data-driven decision-making.

What hospitality and tourism services and roles can you outsource with MicroSourcing?

MicroSourcing is the leading outsourcing provider in the Philippines, building full-time, dedicated teams for its clients while taking care of everything on the ground.

How does offshoring with MicroSourcing work?



We discuss your offshore resourcing requirements


We recruit and employ your offshore team


We support the operation of your offshore team

Frequently asked questions

What is outsourcing in hospitality?

Outsourcing in hospitality involves contracting third-party providers to handle various non-core functions such as IT support, booking and accomodations and customer service, allowing hotels and resorts to focus on core operations like guest experience and management.

What are the drawbacks to using outsourcing in the case of a hotel?

Drawbacks of outsourcing for hotels can include potential quality control issues, loss of direct control over service standards, communication challenges with external providers and the risk of dependency on third parties for critical services.

Why is hospitality and tourism outsourcing to the Philippines a good idea?

Outsourcing hospitality and tourism services to the Philippines can be advantageous due to the country's skilled workforce proficient in English, cost-effectiveness compared to Western countries, cultural affinity with Western markets and robust infrastructure supporting tourism and hospitality industries.

Interested in hospitality and tourism outsourcing in the Philippines?

Our friendly experts can answer any questions you have or provide a free consultation to discuss how offshoring can work for you. We’ll get back to your inquiry within one business day.

Related resources

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