Written posts
How to outsource customer service
Outsourcing customer service has become a strategic solution for businesses aiming to deliver exceptional customer support while maintaining cost..
Is offshore staffing the key to data compliance?
With entire websites dedicated to exposing businesses daily that have been hacked or have had their data breached daily, it’s no wonder why data..
How to outsource accounting services
There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence to suggest accountancy outsourcing is on the rise but a recently released study has revealed just how..
The future of customer service: why 24/7 support is non-negotiable
Imagine trying to resolve an issue with a product or service late at night, only to find the company's customer service is closed. Waiting hours for..
Managed services vs traditional outsourcing: understanding the difference
It has long been said that an organization’s people are its greatest asset but many business leaders will tell you that staffing issues are one of..
How outsourcing is helping deliver retail and eCommerce success
Few sectors ride the economic roller-coaster quite like the retail industry. From the impact of inflation and cost-of-living pressures to the rise of..
How to outsource bookkeeping
Ask anyone who has launched a small business and they will remember how exciting the early days were. Amid the expected stresses and pressures, there..
How AI is impacting the accounting and finance sector
As a leading think tank, the Thomson Reuters Institute has a proud history of igniting conversation and debate among the tax and accounting..
Reasons to outsource accounting and bookkeeping services
On the first day of 2024, Financial Executives International (FEI) shared a disturbing statistic with its members – more than 300,000 accountants and..
Scaling smart: how outsourcing can support sustainable business growth
Are you grappling with the challenges of talent acquisition in today's fiercely competitive job market? Do you feel the weight of economic pressures..
An outsourcing playbook for hard-to-fill-positions
Step into the realm of strategic talent acquisition, where the pursuit of the perfect candidate can be an ongoing challenge. Vacancies for these..
The impact of generative AI on the BPO industry
Generative AI may be able to trace its origins to the 1960s1 but for the everyday man or woman, it was the past year that gave birth to one of the..
The outsourcing cost reduction formula
In today's highly competitive business landscape, medium to large organizations are constantly challenged to optimize costs while maintaining..
5 ways AI is changing customer service
Jumbo may not be familiar to many globally, but, mention the supermarket chain in the Netherlands and there will be instant recognition. One hundred..
Why outsourcing in retail is a winning strategy
Not so long ago, ‘Big Four’ accounting firm Deloitte accepted the challenge of checking the pulse of the retail sector. Having shown remarkable..
Complete guide to outsourcing construction and engineering services
Recruitment can be a tricky business in any industry but there are several factors that make life particularly challenging for managers and HR..
5 tips for running onshore and offshore teams in parallel
For the best part of a decade, I have had the pleasure of working in a sector that plays a pivotal role in helping businesses reduce costs and..
Project HIRED: MicroSourcing's solution to the accountant shortage
The writing has been on the wall for several years but recent months have confirmed what many have long feared – the accounting skills shortage is a..
How outsourcing promotes sustainable growth
It is no secret that outsourcing is a proven strategy for overcoming recruitment challenges. At a time when 75% of companies are reporting..
5 reasons to outsource software development
Google and Apple may be among the world’s biggest companies, regularly appearing near the top of Fortune 500 lists1, but they share something in..
5 steps to outsource customer service
Customer service has overtaken product and price as a key differentiator for businesses. Offering superior customer care helps your organization gain..
Outsourcing insurance claims handling processes
The insurance industry’s claims handling processes are quite resource intensive and claims can take a long time to process, from initiation to a..
Trends in construction and engineering services outsourcing
Outsourcing has long been a valuable strategy for businesses keen to increase efficiencies and reduce costs in areas as diverse as customer service,..
The 7 Best FP&A Software and Financial Planning Software Tools for 2025
Financial planning has long been an integral component of business life. The ability to access the risks and opportunities that an organization faces..
The complete guide to outsourcing employees
In the late 1700s, American statesman Benjamin Franklin uttered the immortal line that nothing was certain in life except death and taxes. More than..
2023 financial services market update
Each year we get further away from the events of early 2020, and it gets easier to forget just how uncertain that period was. As the COVID-19..
5 Departments You Might Consider Outsourcing Other Than Customer Service
Traditional outsourcing is a thing of the past - no longer is it reserved for large companies or call centres. Outsourcing has transformed into a..
Philippines gig economy: The rise and risks
A lot has been written about the Philippines freelance boom in recent times, so much so that the phenomenon has earned its own moniker. Article after..
How to maximise the cost saving benefits of outsourcing
Organizations of all sizes are always looking for cost-saving measures but every now and then it becomes a necessity rather than a bonus. Such is the..
What are the most in demand skills?
The evolution of workplace dynamics has prompted significant changes in worker mobility and recruitment strategies globally. Measures initially..
The end of the labor shortage: Understanding the rise in job cuts
More than half of executives surveyed by Deloitte1 believe the talent shortage is coming to an end. This may seem optimistic but they also found that..
Top business trends of the year: stay ahead of the game
With regular market fluctuations and changes in consumer behaviour happening year to year, organizations have no choice but to pivot and strategize,..
The ultimate list of outsourcing statistics
Global markets and improvements in technology have changed the way businesses work. For many, staying competitive means capitalizing on the world..
2022 remote working statistics you need to know
In early 2020, a small business owner named Matthew Ross faced a dilemma that was becoming increasingly common for employers. As the co-owner of..
Stay remote, go hybrid or head back to the office?
If the headlines are to be believed, a war is brewing in the modern workplace.
The future of customer experience
Customer experience has long been talked about in boardrooms but many people would question whether it has always been acted upon. While it’s all..
The impact of quiet quitting on business and how to address it
It is fair to say Kevin O’Leary knows a thing or two about business. Nicknamed ‘Mr Wonderful,’ the Canadian entrepreneur is estimated to be worth..
Six tips for managing companies through a recession
There has been much discussion in recent months about whether the United States is in a recession. Based on the general definition – two consecutive..
How to balance cost and quality in CX
The red pen is out in earnest. Between soaring inflation, the lingering impact of the global pandemic and supply chain issues, executives and..
The complete guide to FinTech outsourcing
The FinTech industry has been thriving thanks to its ability to leverage digital transformation to offer regular financial services at a lower cost...
30 questions to ask your outsourcing provider
There is a lot to like about outsourcing. From increasing efficiencies and easing pressure on in-house employees to saving money via reduced labor..
Ultimate guide to outsourced data entry services
It would be fair to say that data entry is not considered the most glamorous of career options. In a world where children increasingly want to grow..
The definitive guide to hiring outsourced employees
There comes a time in the evolution of many organizations when someone finally broaches a delicate subject. For some, it is because business is..
How to build a risk management strategy
Not so long ago, leading consulting firm PwC conducted a survey of almost 1,400 chief executives from more than 90 countries. It was the kind of..
Why hire offshore virtual assistants?
Virtual assistants are responsible for providing support to organizations from remote locations. They usually perform administrative duties such as..
The ultimate guide to Industry 4.0 – inside the fourth industrial revolution
More than 250 years ago, a revolution was underway in Britain – not that anyone realized it at the time. For centuries, communities had been forced..
Why high-growth start-ups are turning to outsourcing
Few articles about start-ups don’t actually mention failure, with various statistics used to highlight just how difficult it is for entrepreneurs to..
Lessons from the Great Re-evaluation
Before we get started, the Great Re-evaluation is a term that stems from another - The Great Resignation. Let’s start there. The Great Resignation is..
The benefits of global outsourcing
Global outsourcing versus outsourcing. Is there really a difference? That depends. The answer is not a simple 'yes’ or ‘no’. Outsourcing is defined..
The importance of trust in a digital-first world
In the final days of June 2018, at a time when people still traveled the world without masks on their faces and proof of vaccination in their hand..
How to avoid the fallout of the great resignation
Derek Thompson summed it up best. Writing in The Atlantic1towards the end of 2021, the author and journalist reflected on what has been dubbed ‘The..
How to get outsourcing right
Outsourcing can be a one-way ticket to a better business – but only if you get it right. Just as endless organizations have discovered the huge..
What you need to know about “The Great Resignation”
Experts have referred to the mass number of employees expected to leave or quit their jobs during and after the pandemic as “The Great Resignation”..
The future of B2B sales: the new buying journey
Organizations engaged in business-to-business (B2B) sales are starting to implement new digital channels as a way to remain competitive and..
How outsourcing medical billing is boosting healthcare
It is one of the great ironies of the health sector that the very thing needed to acquire revenue can be such an expensive exercise. Medical billers..
Key technology for hybrid workplaces
It is hard to believe it was only a couple of years ago that many employees would take a deep breath and cross their fingers before asking their..
10 ways to provide a positive candidate experience
Skip straight to the candidate experience statistics. It’s no longer a “recruiters market” but instead a “job seekers market”. What does this mean?..
What is the difference between HRO and RPO?
There are days in this post-COVID world when it seems the business of doing business has never been harder. From supply chain issues and travel..
Glossary of key outsourcing terminology and models
Outsourcing is where one company engages another company to provide services that were traditionally performed in-house. Deloitte’s Global..
How RPO can improve the candidate experience
In the early weeks of 2021, about 42,000 employers were asked to answer a simple question as part of an in-depth study into an issue believed to be..
How Banks Are Prioritizing Digital Solutions
It is no secret that digital transformation has been sweeping the banking and finance world. Automation, cloud-based products and online banking are..
The insurance industry’s outsourcing solution
Given insurance companies exist to support others during difficult times, it is often forgotten they face massive challenges of their own. Those..
Top 5 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Receptionist
When it comes to corporate seals of approval, they don’t come much better than Tim Ferriss. As the best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, the..
Customer acquisition for the bank of the future
When it comes to digital culture shocks, they don’t come much greater than that experienced by the gentleman pictured below in recent years. For what..
The comprehensive guide to outsourcing web development
There are over a billion company websites. Having a website that helps your business stand out is one way to get a head start. This makes building a..
How to grow your tech business with 5 simple tactics
In today’s competitive environment, scaling a tech business can be extremely difficult - and full of uncertainty and risk. In just the first quarter..
Why providing great customer experience is so important
Customer experience has the power to make or break your organization it’s why many businesses lead with a customer-centric strategy. And while it can..
The growing need for Content Moderation
By the time you finish reading this blog, about 1,200 hours of video will have been uploaded to YouTube. That’s right – enough professional news..
The evolution of consumer spending
If you want an insight into how far consumer spending behavior has evolved in recent times, try explaining the ‘layaway’ concept to a millennial...
Marketing and Sales Strategy: 10 Tips to to Fuel Your Business Growth
Consumer behaviors have shifted and businesses must find time to re-assess budgets and targets, but also plan how their sales and marketing teams..
How to leverage remote working to deliver business efficiencies
The future has arrived – remote working is now the norm rather than the exception.
How to write a strong business case in project management
From organizing the number of administrative employees and procurement requirements to breaking down project stages to present timelines and project..
Why companies are NOT outsourcing their accounting services
Outsourcing accounting services is not for everyone. For every business that embraces the opportunity to save money, improve efficiencies and..
The trends set to shape the insurance industry post-pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the insurance industry in numerous ways, with the global insurance market contracting by -2.3% in 2020 as a..
What You Need to Know About Insurance Outsourcing
Outsourcing is nothing new in the insurance industry. In fact, insurance has led the way in many respects, adopting outsourcing to address a wide..
How to maintain a great workplace culture in a remote model
This short video blog discusses what remote working could look like for your organisation and how you can maintain a great company culture, no matter..
Top business efficiency lessons from COVID-19
Every business has the same goal; to drive efficiencies and get the most out of their resources. To keep it simple - reducing costs and increasing..
A guide to social selling
Around the world, social media growth is accelerating. As more and more people use - and are influenced by - platforms like Facebook and Instagram as..
Artificial intelligence and the future of accounting
As one of the oldest professions in the world, it’s difficult to imagine a future where accounting services are performed by artificial intelligence..
Business planning for 2021
Disruption to businesses and economies caused by COVID-19 has posed huge challenges to business continuity. Even the most robust business plan is..
Offshoring companies rise to the challenge during uncertain times
Coronavirus has changed the business environment forever and business process outsourcing companies or BPOs have played a key role in helping..
How to digitize your sales process
The traditional sales model of outbound appointment setting and face-to-face meetings burns up a great deal of time and resources. With business..
Why digital solutions are the key to meeting consumers’ changing needs
If anyone needed further convincing that digital transformation is essential for businesses to remain competitive in our ever-changing world,..
eCommerce trends in a post-COVID world
Predicting eCommerce industry trends has never been an easy task. The rapid and relentless pace of technological change means making such predictions..
The questions you need to ask your back office offshoring provider
Outsourcing back office functions takes pressure off your local team and gives them more time to focus on high-value, complex projects that generate..
Future trends that will impact the Philippine outsourcing industry
The outsourcing industry has been on an upwards trend since the late 1980s experiencing huge growth from US$266.9 billion in 2018, to an expected..
How much can your business really save by outsourcing?
Finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality is a top priority for many organizations. Outsourcing has emerged as a powerful strategy to..
The impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare industry
COVID-19 has been both the catalyst and the propellant for sweeping healthcare delivery model changes and has shone a light on financial, operational..
Full-time staff vs contractors: The top 5 reasons you should consider working with a BPO
Outsourcing to the Philippines can look very different for each business, and can take on many shapes and forms in terms of the role, how you manage..
The top 4 benefits of offshoring your technical support
When people think about offshore support, they often envisage large call centres full of telemarketers. And while traditional outsourcing was..
Future trends in the insurance industry
The insurance industry has undergone some significant changes in recent years as a result of fast paced technological and consumer behavior shifts -..
How to integrate your offshore and onshore teams
Integrating your offshore team into your onshore team is possibly one of the most important elements of outsourcing. Failing to integrate the two..
How to ensure client experience is at the center of your accountancy firm
Every good accountancy firm should have a customer centric approach to client retention and acquisition. The organic growth opportunities that a..
Top 10 benefits of outsourcing accounting and payroll
Of all the departments within a business, accounting and payroll is probably one of the few areas where most of the work is repetitive and..
How to scale your accounting firm
Growing your accounting firm can be quite a challenging task.
The evolution in offshore outsourcing
Over the last few decades, we've seen dramatic changes in the offshore outsourcing industry as a result of huge advances in technology. The model..
How to grow your niche eCommerce business
The online retail landscape is a loud and busy one to say the least, but if you’re a niche eCommerce operator you’ve already navigated some of the..
How to ensure your staff remain productive when working remotely
Supporting your remote staff is key to their productivity. It’s your responsibility as an employer to ensure your employees have all the necessary..
7 business apps that will improve business efficiency
Want to drive efficiencies in your business? It can be as easy as downloading a few apps.
5 tips to manage remote staff effectively
There is often a perception that outsourcing is a set and forget strategy. This is not the case at all.
The top 6 benefits of outsourcing
Among the myriad of studies that have focused on outsourcing, there is one statistic that never fails to amaze me. Published by Forbes magazine, the..
9 Reasons the Philippines is a Top Offshoring Destination
When you want to cut costs, improve efficiency and focus more on your core business, offshoring is naturally an attractive option.
The straightforward guide to back office outsourcing
How efficiently does your business operate? Are you getting the most out of your staff? Poorly managed resources can lead to many risks which can..
Surviving and Thriving in COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 on the business landscape across the globe has been nothing short of profound. And we’ve seen absolute extremes in these..
How to plan for the post-JobKeeper business environment
As the Australian economy moves closer to the end of government JobKeeper support, many businesses are grappling with the reality of what this will..
The Rise of Remote Working
Long before a certain pandemic dominated headlines, the global labour market was already experiencing an increasing trend in remote working. In fact,..
Live Chat Outsourcing - Supercharging Startup Business' Growth
Building a startup is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences imaginable. But it’s not for the faint-hearted.
Step by Step Guide in Setting Up an Outsourced Technical Support Team
In today’s world, reliable technical support is a vital part of any business, large or small. Even the most painstakingly designed apps will go awry..
Customer Service Outsourcing Directions in 2020 - The Future is Offshore
Of all the business sectors, customer service potentially has the most to gain from technology.
Could Outsourced Customer Service Be Your Secret Weapon?
Offshoring, outsourcing, BPO — whatever you call it, strategically sending sections of business operations overseas is one of the fastest growing..
A guide to outsourcing tasks for startups
Whether you are well-versed in establishing a startup organization or are jumping into the world of startups for the first time, startups are..
Outsourcing fee structures - what you need to know
When considering your options for offshoring, you may have noticed many providers boast a “low, all-inclusive price”. It’s an hourly rate per..
How Does Culture Affect Your Offshoring Success?
With its beautiful natural surroundings and bustling cities, the Philippines has a lot going for it. But once you spend some time there, you quickly..
8 reasons the right people for your business are in the Philippines
Outsourcing part of your business can be tricky, particularly if you’re looking overseas—or “offshoring”. Recruitment is hard enough locally, let..
How to Lock in the Full 70% Cost Savings of Offshoring and Maximize Productivity
If you’re a small to medium business and you’re looking to grow and compete for a bigger market share, offshoring parts of your business will no..
Should I Try to Offshore By Myself? Or Should I Get an Offshoring Provider to Help?
To build a thriving business, you need to find the best balance between efficiency, productivity, quality, costs and profit. And given that labor is..
10 steps to outsourcing success
Attempting to outsource or offshore your business functions without a plan, is like trying to cook a seven-course meal with nothing more than a camp..
Why the Philippines Has Become an Offshoring Leader
Offshoring is a natural option if you’re looking to cut costs, boost productivity and quality while maintaining focus on your core business. But not..
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing HR
Running an effective HR department involves a lot of admin work. Usually, more than a business owner or manager has time to handle, alone. As a way..