Google and Apple may be among the world’s biggest companies, regularly appearing near the top of Fortune 500 lists1, but they share something in common with countless smaller businesses when it comes to software development. Despite being tech leaders, they are increasingly outsourcing more of their development and maintenance projects to external providers that specialize in such areas.
In the words of one top executive whose tech services firm manages software projects for Google: “(They) see greater value in outsourcing non-core parts of the business as it is more cost-effective.”2 Endorsements do not come much bigger and reinforce why the software outsourcing industry is expected to reach $430 billion this year3 and soar to a total value of more than $1 trillion by 20304.
With the digital revolution showing no signs of slowing down, software development is increasingly pivotal to business success and outsourcing is helping many businesses not only keep pace with but stay ahead of their competitors.
Software development outsourcing is a business strategy that sees such assignments undertaken by external experts rather than using in-house resources. It can involve delegating specific tasks or assigning an entire project to be completed by an individual or team. Along with supporting the ambitions of large corporations, outsourcing software development has been a game-changer for many small and medium-sized businesses.
In a world where technology is forever evolving, outsourcing offers many benefits to businesses when tackling their software development requirements.
The modern tech landscape has many hurdles for businesses to overcome. From skills shortages and budget constraints to ever-evolving technologies, there is a real risk of businesses falling behind on their software development projects or simply putting them in the too-hard basket. There is another option though and it starts with opening one’s eyes to the power of outsourcing and tapping into the benefits that are gained by linking with a quality offshore partner who can source, recruit and manage highly skilled and experienced software developers.
Many organizations have faced the predicament of needing to grow a critical area of its business but being hamstrung by the cost of doing so locally. Learn how a global software company utilized outsourcing to provide 24/7 technical support coverage.
[1] Fortune 500: The top 10 most profitable American companies | Fortune
[2] Google IT: Outsourcing deal search may become more rewarding for Indian firms - The Economic Times (
[3] IT Outsourcing - Worldwide | Statista Market Forecast
[4] IT Services Outsourcing Market Size to Worth Around USD (
[5] The State of Developer Shortage in 2022 (
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