How much can your business really save by outsourcing?

Finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality is a top priority for many organizations. Outsourcing has emerged as a powerful strategy to achieve this balance, offering a multitude of benefits that go beyond simple cost savings. But how much can you really save by outsourcing? And what factors should you consider to ensure you’re making the best decision for your teams?

How much can your business really save by outsourcing

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing sees tasks that would normally be completed in-house by one’s own employees assigned to a third-party vendor. Such tasks may include a specific project, multiple activities or an entire business function, with outsourcing coming in three location-based types – onshore (partnering with a provider in the same country), nearshore (partnering with a provider in a neighboring or nearby country) or offshore (partnering with a provider in a more distant country).

Does outsourcing reduce costs?

Outsourcing reduces costs by cutting labor expenses, minimizing real estate needs, lowering fixed costs, eliminating infrastructure investments and streamlining recruitment.

  • Labor costs: one of the smartest ways to increase profits is to cut expenses without negatively impacting revenue. Labor costs are often the biggest expense for businesses. In the past, saving on labor meant risking productivity or quality, but outsourcing has changed that. By outsourcing to countries like the Philippines, businesses can save up to 70% on employment costs without sacrificing talent or output quality.
  • Real estate: more employees mean more space is needed, which can be costly. Outsourcing allows companies to access quality support staff without the need for additional office space. Quality outsourcing providers supply their own workspaces, eliminating the need for businesses to invest in renting or buying extra properties.
  • Fixed costs: partnering with an outsourcing provider helps reduce fixed costs such as facilities, electricity and other utilities. Scaling an onshore team typically increases these costs, but outsourcing keeps them stable, making a significant positive impact on the bottom line.
  • Infrastructure: adding new employees requires investments in tools and equipment like computers, office furniture and software licenses. These costs can drain resources, especially when building a large team. Outsourcing providers supply the necessary equipment for their offshore staff, saving businesses from these expenses.
  • Recruitment: recruiting new staff is expensive, particularly due to advertising costs. Outsourcing providers handle recruitment, utilizing their processes and systems to attract and source talent. This means quicker job filling and potential savings of up to 50% on recruitment costs. Outsourcing providers can also scale hiring up or down efficiently to meet their clients' needs.

Does offshoring really save money?

Offshoring saves money by significantly reducing time and resources across various business operations. It allows companies to tap into a ready pool of skilled talent, eliminating the lengthy recruitment and training processes. This means faster project start times and quicker completion rates, leading to more efficient operations and quicker time-to-market.

Additionally, managing in-house teams requires substantial resources, from office space and equipment to HR and administrative support. Offshoring providers handle these logistical elements, allowing businesses to focus their resources on core activities and strategic growth initiatives. By streamlining operations and optimizing resource allocation, offshoring proves to be a highly effective strategy for cutting costs and boosting profitability.

How much does it cost to outsource?

The cost of outsourcing can vary widely based on the type of services, the level of expertise required and the location of the outsourcing provider. Here are some key factors that influence the cost:

  • Service type: different services have different cost structures. For example, customer support and administrative tasks typically cost less than specialized services like software development or legal consulting.
  • Expertise level: the cost increases with the level of expertise and experience required. Junior or entry-level tasks are more affordable, while highly skilled professionals command higher rates.
  • Location: the geographical location of the outsourcing provider significantly impacts costs. Outsourcing to countries with lower labor costs, such as the Philippines or India, is generally more affordable than outsourcing to providers in Western countries.
  • Engagement model: costs also depend on the engagement model chosen. Common models include:
    • Hourly rates: Best for short-term projects or tasks that require flexibility. This model involves paying for the actual hours worked, making it easier to manage budgets for fluctuating workloads.
    • Fixed price: ideal for well-defined projects with clear deliverables. This model provides a set price for the entire project, allowing for predictable budgeting and cost management.
    • Dedicated teams or managed services: Suitable for ongoing projects or when a dedicated team is needed. This model involves a regular payment, which covers the cost of having a team dedicated to your projects on a consistent basis.
  • Additional costs: some outsourcing agreements may include additional costs such as onboarding, training and management fees. It’s essential to factor these into the overall budget.

What are the hidden costs of outsourcing?

While outsourcing offers significant cost savings and operational efficiencies, it’s important to be aware of potential hidden costs that may arise:

  • Communication challenges: working with teams in different time zones and cultural contexts can lead to miscommunication and delays. Effective communication strategies and tools are essential to mitigate these issues.
  • Quality control: ensuring that outsourced work meets your company's quality standards can require additional oversight and management. Regular monitoring and quality assurance processes are necessary to maintain high standards.
  • Integration costs: integrating outsourced services with your existing processes and systems can involve additional time and expenses. This includes aligning technology platforms, workflows and reporting structures.
  • Data security: protecting sensitive data when working with external partners is crucial. Implementing robust security measures and compliance protocols may incur extra costs.
  • Transition and training: initial transition periods can be resource-intensive. Training the outsourced team and aligning them with your company’s goals and procedures may require a significant upfront investment.

Being aware of these potential hidden costs allows businesses to plan better and ensure that outsourcing remains a cost-effective and efficient solution.

How to calculate your outsourcing cost?

Use this calculator to build your offshore team.