The power of extension: how offshore teams enhance local workforce dynamics

Picture this: a local team is grappling with tight deadlines or perhaps they lack the specialist expertise needed to push a critical project over the line. It's a common scenario that organizations face daily. Now, imagine having a team of skilled professionals halfway around the world ready to step in and bridge the gap.

Power of Extension Blog

Offshore teams have become an integral part of modern business operations. They bring diverse skill sets and fresh perspectives, enabling companies to stay competitive and agile. Offshoring is no longer just about cutting costs; it’s about adding value, providing expertise and driving innovation.

Consider these statistics:

  • 58% of the workforce needs new skills to get their jobs done1
  • 75% of companies globally are struggling to find skilled workers: in the U.S., this figure is 70%2
  • Over 75% of executives regard skills and talent availability as a major source of risk 3
  • 72% of CEOs state talent gaps and shortages as the top business challenge that their organizations face 4
  • 52% of executives state the lack of skills in their workforce as a major factor preventing organizational change in the way they create, deliver and capture value 5
  • Up to 30% of critical roles aren’t filled by the most appropriate people 6.

If not the most disturbing statistic of all: 60% of organisations stated local labor market skills gaps are holding back the transformation of their business 7. This alarming statistic only pushes the claim that in an increasingly globalized economy, offshore teams are not just an option—they are a strategic necessity.

So what does an organisation that employs a skills-based approach to recruiting talent, on a global scale, get back in return? They are 63% more likely to achieve results than those who have not adopted skills-based practices8 and are more likely to become agile9.

But how do teams separated by thousands of miles work together so effectively? How can they be more than just remote support and truly enhance your local workforce? The answer lies in understanding the transformative potential of offshore collaboration.

Enriching team dynamics: the collaborative advantage of offshore teams

Offshore teams do more than just add manpower—they enrich team dynamics by bringing diversity and inclusivity to the forefront. These teams contribute unique cultural insights and global perspectives that can spark innovation and enhance problem-solving capabilities. 

80% of the world’s most admired companies purposely create inclusive and diverse teams to improve team performance and creativity. Diverse-by-design teams make better decisions than homogeneous ones 87% of the time 10.

The exchange of ideas between local and offshore teams fosters a collaborative environment where diverse viewpoints lead to more creative and effective solutions.

For instance, consider the success of EagleView Technologies. Their 15-year partnership with us, an offshore staffing company based in the Philippines is a testament to the power of collaboration. Starting with a small team of 41 offshore employees, they have grown to over 1,300, benefiting from a diverse talent pool and high staff engagement. This partnership has been pivotal in meeting EagleView’s evolving needs, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

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Broadening expertise: leveraging offshore talent pools

Offshore teams are a treasure trove of specialized skills and knowledge. They bring expertise that might be scarce or costly to acquire locally. By integrating offshore talent, businesses can supplement their local workforce, filling critical skill gaps and enhancing overall project outcomes.

Understandably, you could expand your recruitment methods to remote work within your geographic location to access a broader talent pool. This approach is effective, but why stop there? By tapping into talent from another country, you exponentially increase your recruitment capabilities—from a limited local pool to a nationwide search, and ultimately, a global talent network.

Take the retail and eCommerce industry, for instance. Total Tools, an Australian hardware and tools retailer, aimed to expand their eCommerce business from $1 million in sales to over $20 million. Struggling to find local graphic designers, they partnered with MicroSourcing to hire offshore talent. Starting with just two graphic designers, they quickly scaled to a team of over 40 professionals handling various roles such as website optimization, content development and customer service. This collaboration led to a 2,000% increase in eCommerce sales, a 200% boost in conversion rates and a 300% rise in website traffic over two years​.

In the healthcare sector, the need for medical coding and billing accuracy is critical. Offshore teams can provide immediate access to certified professionals, ensuring accurate and efficient processing of medical records and claims. For example, a medical credentialing company partnered with MicroSourcing to scale their operations. Starting with six offshore coding specialists, they expanded to 27 employees, including an operations manager. This collaboration resulted in a 27% reduction in processing times, a 43% increase in productivity and a 63% reduction in administration costs​​.

Accelerating growth: offshore teams as strategic assets

Offshore teams are more than just support; they are strategic assets that supercharge efficiency and productivity. By offloading routine and specialized tasks to offshore experts, your local team can zero in on what they do best—driving innovation and making crucial decisions faster.

These teams are instrumental in scaling operations swiftly. Imagine needing to ramp up quickly to meet a surge in demand. Offshore teams provide the flexibility and capacity to grow without the hefty overhead costs and logistical headaches of local hiring. Whether it's scaling your customer service to handle peak seasons or expanding your development team to accelerate product launches, offshore talent makes it possible - with the right offshoring partner.

For example, a tech company looking to double its software output can seamlessly integrate offshore developers. This not only speeds up project timelines but also brings fresh perspectives and round-the-clock progress, ensuring projects advance continuously without delays.

Moreover, offshore teams can broaden your market reach significantly. They can offer multilingual support and deep regional insights, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty across various markets. This localized expertise transforms your business from a regional player to a global contender.

Overcoming offshore integration obstacles

Integrating offshore teams can seem daunting, with common misconceptions often clouding the decision-making process. Concerns about communication barriers, cultural differences and time zone discrepancies are frequently cited. However, these challenges can be effectively navigated with the right strategies in place.

Many believe that offshore teams are hard to manage and that quality will suffer. In reality, with proper onboarding and clear expectations, offshore teams can deliver exceptional results. It’s as comparable to if your onshore hiring process isn’t well-executed, the quality of your candidates hired locally will likely be poor. 

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful offshore integration. Utilizing collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Zoom can bridge the geographical divide, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Regular check-ins, video conferences and transparent project management practices foster a sense of unity and keep the workflow seamless.

Cultural and time zone differences might seem like hurdles, but they can be turned into advantages. Embracing cultural diversity enriches team interactions and brings new perspectives to problem-solving. Time zone differences can be leveraged to create a 'follow-the-sun' model, where work continues around the clock, accelerating project timelines.

Strategies for mitigating these differences include cultural training for all team members and setting overlapping working hours to ensure real-time collaboration. By respecting and understanding cultural nuances, businesses can create a cohesive and motivated team, regardless of location.

Embracing the power of extension

Offshore teams aren't just support—they’re an extension of your local workforce, adding specialized skills, boosting productivity and sparking innovation. By overcoming communication barriers and embracing cultural diversity, these teams seamlessly integrate into your operations and drive your business forward.

To fully recognize the immense potential offshore teams offer, start looking into opportunities for strategic global partnerships and collaboration. Leverage this talent to enhance your business dynamics and stay ahead of the competition.

Get started by focusing on best practices for integrating offshore teams. Clear communication, cultural understanding and aligned goals are key. By embracing these steps, you’ll unlock the full potential of offshore collaboration and set your business on a path to greater success.

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